Understanding the Florida Housing Market

If you’re considering a move to the Sunshine State, you’ve probably wondered about the Florida housing market. The housing market in Florida, like much of the United States, has seen its fair share of fluctuations. In this article, we’ll delve into the latest data and insights to provide you with a comprehensive overview of what to expect in the Florida housing market.

Florida Housing Market

Current State of the Florida Housing Market

As of Q4 2022, here’s a snapshot of the Florida housing market compared to the same period in the previous year:

  • Median Sale Price: $400,000 (up 9.6%)
  • Inventory (Active Listings): 65,786 (up 116.8%)
  • Closed Sales: 57,004 (down 33.1%)
  • Median Time to Sale: 76 days (up 40.7%)
  • Average Mortgage Rate (15-Year Fixed): 5.68% (up 143.78%)

It’s important to note that these figures pertain to single-family homes exclusively. The median sale price represents the midpoint, indicating that half of the homes were sold for more than $400,000, and half for less. Median Time to Sale represents the number of days between listing and closing, highlighting the time it takes for homes to sell. The increase in the Average Mortgage Rate, especially the 15-year fixed rate, is a noteworthy shift.

Florida Housing Market in Major Cities

Let’s zoom in on some of Florida’s major cities to gain a more detailed perspective:


  • Median Sale Price: $422,745
  • Year over Year % Change: +11.2%


  • Median Sale Price: $399,000
  • Year over Year % Change: +12.4%


  • Median Sale Price: $386,000
  • Year over Year % Change: 11.2%

These figures illustrate that each major city in Florida has its unique market dynamics, with varying median sale prices and growth rates.

Florida vs. National Housing Market

To put the Florida housing market in context, let’s compare it to the national housing market. While the national average saw an 8.4% increase in home listing prices in December 2022 compared to the previous year, Florida’s growth rate was 9.1%. While this may appear modest, it’s essential to understand that real estate markets can be highly localized, and even slight variations can have a substantial impact.

Compared to states like Nebraska (32%), Wyoming (31%), and Kansas (29%) with significant home price increases, Florida’s growth appears relatively stable. However, it’s worth noting that 31 states outperformed Florida in terms of median listing price growth, while 18 states saw less growth.

Florida Housing Market Predictions for 2023

As we look ahead to 2023, it’s prudent to consider what real estate experts anticipate:

1. The Market Will Stabilize

The frenzied pace of the housing market during the COVID-19 pandemic has notably eased. Experts expect a return to a more typical market pace in 2023, with supply and demand balancing out. The market is likely to resemble the more traditional years of 2018–2019.

2. Prices Will Moderate

While prices are expected to relax, a significant crash is unlikely, primarily due to limited inventory. A substantial correction would necessitate a surge in housing supply, which doesn’t seem imminent in Florida.

3. Strong Demand Persists

Despite economic challenges like rising inflation, homeownership remains a robust aspiration for many. Young adults, in particular, continue to express interest in purchasing homes when they’re financially ready.

Florida Real Estate Forecast for the Next Five Years

While making precise predictions for the real estate market half a decade ahead is challenging, some forecasts provide insight. According to U.S. News and World Report, the average median home sales price in the U.S. is expected to remain stable over the next five years. Mortgage rates for a 30-year fixed loan are projected to drop to 4.5%. However, keep in mind that long-term forecasts should be considered speculative and not absolute.

Buying or Selling in the Florida Market

In conclusion, when deciding whether to buy or sell in the Florida housing market, it’s crucial to consider your individual financial situation. If you’re buying, ensure you are financially prepared, debt-free, and have a sufficient emergency fund and down payment. For sellers, ensure the move aligns with your financial goals and have your next living arrangement planned. Remember that real estate trends provide context, but your decision should be rooted in your unique circumstances.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the Florida housing market, you can make informed decisions based on the current landscape and future trends.

[box type=”warning” align=”alignright” class=”” width=””]Please note that the information presented here is based on the data available as of Q4 2022 and expert predictions. Real estate markets can be subject to rapid changes, and individual circumstances may vary. Always consult with a qualified real estate professional for personalized advice.[/box]

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